Join us in Brussels to discuss the impact of AI in higher education!
As part of its Qual-AI-ty Engagement project, ACEEU and its partners are hosting an evening event in Brussels, 5th April, 2023, to discuss how AI is shaping higher education.
What has changed since the release of ChatGPT? How significant will be the impact of AI on higher education institutions, both positively and negatively? Will AI even challenge the existence of higher education institutions as we know them today? How can/should higher education institutions respond to address the present challenges and pave the way for the future? How can especially small institutions keep up with AI developments and up-skill themselves to be “AI-ready”? Which elements should be on top of the task lists of educational institutions, researchers and educators, and the European Commission?
Confirmed speakers include:
Dr. Thérèse Zhang Deputy Director, Higher Education Policy, European University Association
Orestis Trasanidis AI Lead, EIT Digital, and AI Community Coordinator/Leader at EIT Cross KIC European Institute of Technology
Prof. Dr. Elīna Gaile-Sarkane, Chair of the Senate of Riga Technical University and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management)
Dr. Georgi Dimitrov Head of Unit “Digital Education” at the European Commission
For more information, please visit: