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Digital Response Project

Digital Response
The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the normal business operations and processes of almost any industry as well as the normal life of any citizen of the EU countries. The normal operations of the educational organizations were severely affected, as well as the teaching and learning efforts of teachers, pupils and their parents, students, participants of life-long learning. The educational ecosystem was forced to adapt by implementing organizational and technology means. The ”Covid-19 Digital Response” project’s (d-Response) objectives are: 1 Capacity building for online, blended and distance learning and teaching by using digital technologies 2 Development of digital pedagogical competencies of teachers based on the EU Framework for Competences in the field of digital technologies 3 Creation of learning content suitable for working in a digital environment. Dissemination of this content upon the “open source” model 4 Creation of methodology and processes for the implementation of online, blended and distance learning along the educational lifecycle, under normal and Covid-19 like situations.
ACEEU's Role: Quality assurance and impact evaluation leader; co-developer of intellectual outputs
ACEEU will host the Train- the- trainer event in Muenster at the end of O3 and after the initial works of O4 are done. They will also be responsible for the Quality Assurance and monitoring of all created Intellectual Outputs. ACEEU will be also responsible to deliver all intellectual and reporting outputs as per the agreed project plan and the signed partnership contract.
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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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A snapshot of the project

Project information

Project period
01 Apr 2021 to 31 Mar 2023
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, European Commission
6 Partners (see partner information below)
Target group focus
EDU leaders,
EDU professionals,
Educational level focus
Topic focus
Discipline focus
Social Sciences
Output focus
Tool development,
Curriculum development,
Infrastructure development,
Software development
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Project updates

Wrapping the Covid 19 Digital Response Project in Sunny Tenerife!
ACEEU and the rest of the C19 d-Response partners met for the last time in Santa Cruz in Tenerife to prepare for the finalization and completion of th [...]
Building digital skills in the multiplier event of the C19-dResponse project!
ACEEU is excited to announce that on Feb 14 2023, a multiplier event of the C19- dResponse project was held by ACEEU at Hansa Berufskolleg Münster (a [...]
Digital Response, building the future of digital education!
ACEEU organized a four-day training event “Train the Trainers” (TTT) for the Project Digital Response on September 19-22, 2022 in Münster. Project par [...]
Train the Trainers (TTT) will be held in ACEEU in September!
On September 2, 2022, ACEEU had an online meeting with the partners of Digital Response to discuss the organization of the Train the Trainers (TTT) we [...]
Moving Forward with C-19 d-Response
The C-19 Digital Response project consortium is happy to share the development of its main outputs. As the leader of output 1, SBC School of Busin [...]
Time to a Digital Response: We kick off the COVID-19 Digital Response project digitally
The Covid-19 pandemic severely affected the normal operations of the educational organizations and the teaching and learning efforts of teachers, pupi [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

This project is funded by

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