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Accredited Institutions

The following institutions received ACEEU accreditation for entrepreneurship and/or engagement in higher education.
These are the institutions that have demonstrated unwavering commitment towards the third mission. They have made engagement, entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability an indelible part of their institutional fabric and as such, they are true role models for others to emulate.


Gdańsk University of Technology

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Accreditation period: 2025-2030

Profile highlights:
  • First technical university in the world to succesfully undergo in both Engaged and Entrepreneurial
  • Member of the European University Association (EUA) positivly evaluated in Institutional Evaluation Programme
  • Member of ENHANCE Alliance, aiming at creating a European and interdisciplinary space for interaction of innovative technological and social progress, taking into account the principles of sustainable development
  • Engaged in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, ranked 1st in Poland (197th in the world) in the UI Green Metric World University Rankings and 2nd in Poland in THE Impact Rankings
  • Ranked 3rd best university in Poland according to Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), 5th best university in Poland according to QS World University Rankings and THE World University Rankings


University of Szeged

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Accreditation period: 2024-2029
Profile highlights:
  • 2 Nobel Prize laureates: Albert Szent-Györgyi (1937), who was the first to isolate Vitamin C, and Katalin Karikó (2023), founder of mRNA-based vaccine technology
  • Founding member of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH), among 9 international universities in the European Universities Initiative
  • Operating a Centre of Excellence for Interdisciplinary Research, Development and Innovation to support interdisciplinary research fields and innovation
  • Developing the Science Park Szeged around the world-class ELI-ALPS Laser Research Institute
  • Commitment to Sustainability Recognition Award (2024) received from QS.
La Salle Ramon Llull University

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Accreditation period: 2024-2029
Profile highlights:
  • Technology and humanism as essential elements of its DNA
  • Training professionals with values capable of transforming society promotes the development of students social and humanist sensitivity and transversal collaborative work.
  • Member of the International Association La Salle Universities (IALU)
  • Part of the European University Association (EUA), the European alliance ENGAGE.EU, the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) and the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network of the European Commission.
  • Best university in Spain in Business Administrarion & Management (Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities)
  • Best university in Spain and 17th in the world in Business & Management (QS World University Ranking by Subject)
  • Second best young university in Spain and 121st in the world (Young University Rankings – Times Higher Education 2023)
  • Best university in Spain in the category ‘Production Excellence – 3D Animation’ (Rookies School Ranking)


Universidad del Magdalena

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Accreditation period: 2023-2028
Profile highlights:
  • Officially accredited by Colombia’s Ministry of Education as a High-Quality Higher Education Institution, marked by its commitment to inclusiveness and fostering a deep sense of community
  • Leading university by defining its mission through the creation of social value, in processes of inter-institutional cooperation and inclusive and constructive dialogue with the territories. The Vice Rector's Office for Extension and Social Projection serves as a specialized hub for driving these transformative initiatives
  • Recognized institution by perceiving quality as a systemic, adaptive, continuous and participative process
Poznan University of Medical Sciences


Accreditation period: 2023-2028
Profile highlights:
Business Institute ApS

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Accreditation period: 2023-2028
Profile highlights:
  • Has offered EMBA programs in Denmark since 1995
  • Business Institute Denmark is the first institution to be ACEEU accredited in Denmark
  • Is the only private Danish EMBA institution
  • The only institution implementing EMBA programs in Greenland
  • First organization in Denmark to achieve certification in the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Active participant in UN Global Compact


Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan


Accreditation period: 2022-2027
Profile highlights:
  • First comprehensive university in Poland to succesfully undergo the European University Association's Institutional Evaluation Programme
  • Ranked 6th best university in Poland according to QS and THE World Ranking
  • AMU in 4th place in the Press Top Marka ranking among universities with the biggest brand power in the media
  • 3rd University in Poland within national University Rankings Perspektywy
  • Member of EPICUR, the European University Alliance
University of Turku

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Accreditation period: 2022-2027
Profile highlights:
  • Consistently ranked in the top 300 universities worldwide by QS World University Ranking
  • Turku School of Economics has Finland’s leading and internationally most active entrepreneurship research group. It produces academic and applied research on the meaning, different forms, and advancement of entrepreneurship in society
  • World’s first Finnish-language university, having celebrated its centenary in 2020


School of Engineering at Jönköping University

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Accreditation period: 2021-2026
Profile highlights:
  • Member of the CDIO Initiative (Conceive Design Implement Operate), which is an educational framework to conceive and develop a new vision of engineering education and for producing the next generation of engineering leaders
  • The International Campuses of the School of Engineering (JTH-IC) established in South East Asia, Brazil, and South Africa offer opportunities for students to conduct industrial placement courses or final thesis projects with local companies
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

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Accreditation period: 2021-2026
Profile highlights:
  • UMK was founded to be a Public Entrepreneurial University, and when its creation was approved by the government in 2006, it was established that the philosophy of the curriculum in UMK should be based on entrepreneurship and enterprise education in all the study programmes
  • All UMK students are expected to take 12 credits hours of entrepreneurship subjects to make them educational savvy on entrepreneurship matters, with the inclusion of entrepreneurship and enterprise education in all the study programmes
  • UMK’s graduate employability was at 88.28% in 2019, with the percentage of students who graduated and became entrepreneurs at 9.76% in the year 2019
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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Accreditation period: 2021-2026

Profile highlights:
  • UN Academic Impact named UC3M a hub for SDG 11 in research and implementation of sustainable cities and communities
  • Top 10 Young universities in Europe according to QS Top 50 Under 50 (2021)
  • Top 10 university in Spain according to QS Graduate Employability Ranking (2022)
  • 2nd position in Spanish U-Ranking (2021)
  • Top 50 European universities in teaching excellence according to THE University Teaching Ranking (2019)
  • UC3M is one of the members of YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – in the framework of the innovative European Universities Initiative. The alliance is composed of 10 young research universities with the ambition to help address European and global challenges
University of Malaga

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Accreditation period: 2021-2026
Profile highlights:
  • 2nd university in Spain to launch spin-off programme (1997)
  • 1st university in Spain creating a Vice-Rectorate for Entrepreneurship
  • UMA-Atech recognised by Funcas Ranking 2018/2019 as the best business incubator in Andalusia, and the fifth of Spain
  • Ranked 101-200 in THE Impact Ranking (2021)


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no accreditations were completed in 2020.


University of Tartu


Accreditation period: 2019-2024
Profile highlights:
  • Estonia's national research university
  • Ranked 2nd best university in EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia) by QS Ranking (2021)
  • 2016/2017, 92% of higher education curricula at the University included at least one entrepreneurship course.
  • 2.6% of all passed courses were entrepreneurship-related (2015/2016)
Management and Science University

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Accreditation period: 2019-2024
Profile highlights:
  • MOHE Entrepreneurship Award 2016 for Most Entrepreneurial Private University (Ministry of Higher Education)
  • Ranked as one of the world's top 100 young universities by QS Ranking (2021)
Chalmers University of Technology

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Accreditation period: 2019-2024
Profile highlights:
  • Highest reputation (public trust) in Sweden nine years in a row (Kantar Sifo's Reputation Index)
  • Ranked 81st in QS Employability Ranking 2020
  • Ranked #1 for collaborative research with industry (Leiden Ranking 2020)
  • UBI World top 10 university business incubators (6-10 globally, 4-6 Europe, #1 Nordic region; 2019)
  • Named "top performer" in U-Multirank by European Commission (2019)


Universidad EAN

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Accreditation period: 2018-2023
Profile highlights:
  • Founded in 1967 by entrepreneurs and professionals
  • EAN Impacta program recognised as Top 3 Challenger program in Latin America by UBI (2019/2020)
  • Leading university in Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Appointed the first trans woman to be the rector of a university in Colombia: the former general director of the prestigious Alexander Von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute
  • 10 mandatory credit points on Entrepreneurship in every Bachelor program; 3 credits in every Master program


The University of Adelaide

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Accreditation period: 2017-2022

Profile highlights:
  • Member of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight research-intensive universities
  • Consistently ranked in the top 1% of the world’s universities
  • First Australian University to establish Pro Vice-Chancellor for Entrepreneurship
  • Host of the worldwide recognised Australian eChallenge, an entrepreneurship program that assisted more than 1100 start-ups since 2001