» Accreditation » Institutional Accreditation » Apply Now
Eligiblity application
Many thanks for your interest in ACEEU accreditation. Before your accreditation procedure can be initiated, your institution needs to submit an eligibility application.
Please visit our
Accreditation Package page to access the central accreditation documents (e.g. ACEEU's Process Manual, Standards, and Policies) as well as those documents you need to provide as part of the eligibility application.
Eligibility application
Submit your documents
To apply for eligibility, please follow the procedure below:
- Fill out the Eligiblity Datasheet (to be provided in MS Word format, e.g. .doc or .docx)
- Fill out, date and sign the Request for Accreditation letter (to be provided in PDF format)
- Send an email to accreditation@aceeu.org (CC to chair@aceeu.org), containing the above two files. Please use the following subject for the email: ACEEU Eligiblity Application of [Name of your university]
- We will confirm the receipt of your application via email