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MDTA Project

Managing Digital Transformation Academy
This project addresses the shortage of ‘digital leaders’ by developing a 30 ECTS program (EQF 5-7) called ‘Managing Digital Transformation’ (MDT). The program will be designed for students and professionals with a high interest in entrepreneurship and management, who possess a Bachelor's degree in a study as Economics, Communication, Business Administration, Education, Public Management, or a Bachelor's degree of a technical study. The program consists of six specializations of each 5 ECTS. These specializations will address the three core elements of the ‘leadership skills triangle’: technology, business/commerce and leadership. The multidisciplinary program will deliver digital leaders who can enable successful digital transformations, thereby contributing to the competitiveness of Europe and of individual organizations.
ACEEU's Role: Quality assurance leader and developer of certification framework for professionals
ACEEU is an international quality assurance body dedicated to advancing higher education by supporting universities in their transformation process towards becoming more entrepreneurial and engaged. Their expertise is crucial to ensure quality control for the project and to prepare the Certification Framework for professionals.
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Dr. Lina Landinez


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Project information

Project period
01 Sep 2020 to 31 Aug 2023
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, European Commission
No website available.
7 Partners (see partner information below)
Target group focus
EDU leaders,
Educational level focus
Higher education
Discipline focus
Engineering and technology,
Social Sciences
Output focus
Certification development,
Curriculum development
Topic focus
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Project updates

Successful Organization of MDTA's Inaugural Multiplier Event by ACEEU
ACEEU is leading the conversation on digital transformation with more than 180 VET students from Münster, Germany. On May 23, together with the Ha [...]
ACEEU Leading the Development of MDTA Certification Framework
After two productive meetings with the University of Twente, MDTA's initial version of the certification framework is now ready! On 13 February 202 [...]
MDTA in Lisbon!
ACEEU took part in yet another Transnational Project Meeting (TPM)! This time, the Managing Digital Transformation Academy (MDTA) project consortium m [...]
Project Rebranding is Underway!
Managing Digital Transformation (MDT) is now Managing Digital Transformation Academy (MDTA). MDTA also has a new logo and visual design, thanks to [...]
Project Platform Progress
The MDT Open Digital Academy platform has been created! The project partners met this month for a tutorial on how the MOOC will work. There are many d [...]
We are ready to digitally transform higher education in Europe!
On February 2nd, the partners of the “Managing Digital Transformation (MDT” project came together for the first (online) transnational project meeting [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

This project is funded by

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