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Start-DSP Project

Start Digital - Sustainable - Profitable: Operationalising the GreenComp, DigiComp and EntreComp Frameworks to accelerate the Impact of HEI Entrepreneurship Education on the Green and Digital Twin Transition, Innovation and Economic Growth
The innovative resources of the Start-DSP project will enable HEI Entrepreneurship Educators to promote digital business models and technologies as well as sustainable, social and ethical business practices to increase their relevance and social and ecological impact. With the Start-DSP project, we pursue a holistic methodology to increase the relevance, excellence, and impact of entrepreneurship education at European HEIs. To reach our objectives, we will develop modular teaching materials, based on a profound competence framework, equipped with extensive background materials and published on an interactive knowledge hub. Our innovative assessment web app deepens the learning experience and also allows founders to analyse their real life business models.
ACEEU's Role:
As project lead, ACEEU, with its outstanding expertise in project and quality management, will ensure effective cooperation and communication. Additionally, explicitly talking about the WPs, for WP1, ACEEU will serve as the project lead, leveraging their expertise as an accreditation body for entrepreneurial universities to ensure professional project management and implementation. WP2 highlights their renowned proficiency in professionalizing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Entrepreneurial Engagement. Moreover, in WP5, while UNEAT leads, ACEEU substantially bolsters dissemination efforts through its expansive network of nearly 700,000 students and staff across its member institutions.
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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe


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Angela Hernandez

International Project Officer

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A snapshot of the project

Project information

Project period
01 Oct 2023 to 30 Sep 2026
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships, European Commission
6 Partners (see partner information below)
Educational level focus
Adult education,
Higher education,
Topic focus
Output focus
Curriculum development,
Software development,
Tool development
Target group focus
Government representatives,
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Project updates

Celebrating One Year of Progress With The Second Newsletter!
In October, the START-DSP project celebrated its first year of progress and collaboration. Over the past year, the project partners have worked togeth [...]
Get to know Start-DSP by exploring their new website!
The Start-DSP project is an innovative initiative that aims to enhance Higher Education Entrepreneurship Education (HE-EE), which is often limited by [...]
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Project partners

This project is funded by

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.