The Qual-AI-ty Engagement project is approaching its finish line and the results of the project are almost ready to disseminate.
The consortium of the Qual-AI-ty Engagement Project met this week to discuss the overall progress of the project at Riga Technical University. During this meeting, the partners presented their plans for concluding the project:
First, Riga Technical university presented the conceptual model for student engagement with society, which is composed of four dimensions (teaching/training quality, engaging/inclusive environment, good leadership/governance, and relevance/compliance with goals). This model integrates diverse sub-dimensions and indicators based on the results of previous activities, such as the BootCamp.
Second, the University of Twente introduced the development of the AI-based solution, Qualia, the interview assistant. This AI assistant has the capacity of interviewing large population samples, driving the interview, and learning from the inputs. This tool will provide universities with a powerful tool for collecting, processing and visualising qualitative data.
Third, MCAST (Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology) presented the plan for piloting Qualia. MCAST will implement and monitor the performance of the tool with a target audience of 225 students. With this activity, the project will be able to show the impact of the AI tool.
Fourth, ACEEU outlined the plan for developing the Action plan, a document for advising quality assurance agencies and HEIs (leadership and quality assurance offices) on how to implement the AI solution, and how it can assess and support the student engagement strategies of the higher education institutions.
Finally, the consortium agreed to do a Training Event in Brussels, in February 2023. This event will bring together stakeholders of quality assurance, students, academics, and administrative and support staff in higher education.