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13. July 2023

Revolutionizing University Research: RiEcoLab and the Power of Ecosystem Integration Labs

RiEcoLab's vision for 2030 reimagines the traditional research and development landscape in universities. The goal is to create a novel approach that prioritizes immediate commercialization, ensuring that valuable research findings are promptly translated into tangible spin-offs. Simultaneously, RiEcoLab aims to involve a diverse group of internal stakeholders, including academic and non-academic staff, as well as students, to foster an inclusive and collaborative research environment.

To realize the vision, RiEcoLab has developed the Ecosystem Integration Labs (EILs) within participating universities. These labs serve as the foundation for the innovative operational framework, leveraging existing infrastructures such as research support offices and technology transfer offices. By capitalizing on established resources, the EILs facilitate seamless collaboration between Academia and industry, bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical applications.

In this ambitious endeavor, ACEEU played a crucial role. This includes assessing competencies in entrepreneurialism and innovation among participating HEIs, and the development of communication infrastructure and tools as well as pilot implementation, post-pilot capacity building and impact measurement stages.

In the post-pilot assessment, the universities participating in the project provided valuable insights about its impact. University College Dublin (UCD), for instance, reported substantial advantages resulting from their involvement in EILs. One notable benefit was the ability to bring together diverse members of the quadruple helix from their national and regional ecosystem, achieved through training and showcase events. This collaborative environment facilitated the successful commercialization of UCD's exceptional research, with UCD researchers receiving curated support from NovaUCD.

Yasar University achieved several important outcomes through the Agtech-EIL initiative. This facilitated the co-creation and the integration of internal and external actors in key aspects of innovation within the Agriculture 4.0 field. Furthermore, a fundamental shift in mindset towards Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has occurred within Yaşar University and the İzmir Agricultural Technologies Center (İATC). The IATC now functions as a vital link for the development of agricultural technologies, establishing rules as an interface and fostering a common language among stakeholders in the Aegean Region. In addition, Yaşar University's research and innovation capacity has been significantly enhanced, opening doors for startups, scale-ups, and spin-offs aligned with the smart specialization priorities of the Aegean Region.

Regarding Lodz University, they acknowledged the value of implementing EILs, which allowed for the adaptation and exploitation of specific ecosystem conditions within each partner's context.

This integration resulted in a deeper understanding of the landscape of innovation, commercialization, and entrepreneurship, while also leading to a transformation in mindset.

The RiEcoLab project spans from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023, operating under the funding and support of Horizon Europe, specifically the EIT HEI Initiative, backed by the European Commission. This strategic collaboration between stakeholders aims to reshape research and development practices within universities, nurturing an entrepreneurial and innovative culture for the benefit of society and the economy.

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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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