EU Teach PaaS
Pan-EU network of digital passport centres in higher education
EU-TeachPaaS aims to develop a pan-EU network of 6 digital education certification centres (IO1) in higher education that will provide training and certification for
university lecturers (IO3), administrators (IO4) and students (IO2) operating in online learning by specialising DigCompEdu competences and global innovations for local needs.EU-TeachPaaS foresees a strong link between building the digital skills of three main actors (university lecturers, university administrators and students) and the improvement of EU's digital readiness towards inclusive and high quality online education delivery.
ACEEU's Role: Supporting dissemination and IO development
ACEEU will lead IO4 (Toolkit for boosting the capacity of university units/departments in charge of quality assurance, learning and new course development to foster digital education
Furthermore, ACEEU will be in charge of dissemination activities.