ACEEU and its partners discussed their first deliverables, as well as the upcoming workload during the first virtual coordination meeting for the EU-TeachPaaS project. The partners held their meeting in order to coordinate their IO2 and IO3 efforts before the summer holidays. Everyone agreed to keep at it to make sure that the TeachPaaS platform is up and running by early 2022.
The main takeaways for ACEEU concerned IO3 (Digital transformation toolkit for university lecturers). Prior to the meeting with all of the partners, ACEEU met with ISQe and the University of Almeria virtually to set deadlines and divide up the tasks for the part of IO3 that the three partners are responsible for. ACEEU will be in charge of producing relevant content for 2 critical units. The goal at this stage is to create educational material for lecturers, so ACEEU will focus on producing research and presentation data that would contribute to that. The tentative deadline for the IO3-realted tasks is September - around the time when the partners will hold their next meeting.
Photo credit: ISQe; Smartmockups