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YHELD Project

Yemeniti Higher Education Leading to Development of relint offices
The goal of the Yemeni Higher Education Leading to Development of relint offices project (YHELD) is to contribute to reduce the internationalization isolation of Yemeni HEIs, promoting their role in the educational, cultural and economic actions for the reconstruction of the country. The project responds to an urgent and concrete request formulated by Yemeni Universities to support them in overcoming some of the difficulties and the isolation problems created by the recent and current history of the PC. The higher education is one of the sectors that sustained serious destruction and is not considered as priority due to the humaniatarian emergency. In addition, the security issue as well as the lack of qualified employment opportunities have discouraged students to participate in the academic life. The specific objective of the project is to enhance Yemeni HEIs capacities and abilities to work at international level, through the establishment of IROs – International Relation Offices and the definition of internationalization strategies in the partner Yemeni universities.
ACEEU's Role:
ACEEU will be in charge for "WP2 Assessment and technological empowerment" and cooperates in "WP3 Training and designing strategies for the establishment of IROs"
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Dr. Lina Landinez


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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe


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Project information

Project period
01 Sep 2023 to 30 Sep 2025
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education, European Commission
13 Partners (see partner information below)
Target group focus
EDU leaders,
EDU professionals,
EDU administrative staff,
Educational level focus
Higher education
Topic focus
Quality Assurance
Output focus
Network / partnership development,
Regional development
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Enhancing Yemen's Higher Education Sector: A Pathway to Innovation and Internationalization
AN analysis of Yemeni Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has identified critical areas for intervention to support their modernization and internati [...]
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