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20. January 2024

Enhancing Yemen's Higher Education Sector: A Pathway to Innovation and Internationalization

AN analysis of Yemeni Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has identified critical areas for intervention to support their modernization and internationalization, crucial steps in fostering economic development and social stability in a region severely impacted by ongoing conflict. The project at hand aims to address these needs by establishing International Relation Offices (IROs) in partner Yemeni universities, thereby reintegrating them into the global academic community. Yemeni HEIs are at a pivotal point, seeking to revive their role as catalysts for employability and entrepreneurship through education and innovation. Prior to the civil war, these institutions were active in international collaborations, promoting innovation and economic development. However, the conflict has left them isolated, lacking resources to support youth education and opportunities.

The project focuses on three primary groups: administrative and technical staff, teachers and researchers, and HEI governance representatives. Each group has distinct needs:
Administrative and Technical Staff require enhanced skills in knowledge management and technology transfer.
Teachers and Researchers need improved capacities to promote social development and innovation.
Governance Representatives must innovate their strategies to gain international visibility and partnerships.

The core objective is to establish IROs that will facilitate international partnerships, enhance the presence of Yemeni universities in the global community, and support academic mobility. This initiative will foster a national network to address youth opportunities, reconstruction, and sustainability. Expected outcomes include improved academic cooperation, upgraded teaching and research methodologies, and increased international awareness and visibility. Specific targets include signing eight international agreements and two national agreements for innovation and internationalization by the end of the project.

The project aims to create a "domino effect," with initial successes spreading across local education communities, policymakers, and the national and international academic community. Post-project, the IROs will continue to function, supported by trained university personnel, ensuring lasting impact. European partners will also benefit through strengthened ties and deeper cooperation with Yemeni universities, contributing to overcoming the critical challenges faced by Yemen's higher education sector.

This initiative promises to reinvigorate Yemen's HEIs, enabling them to play a significant role in the country's recovery and development, fostering a culture of innovation and international collaboration.


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Dr. Lina Landinez


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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe


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