ACEEU is excited to announce that, together with 5 other exciting partners (including University of Economics in Katowice as a lead partner), a new project has been started! Massive Open Online Week for Collaborative Digital Education (MOOW CODE) is dedicated to promoting a new innovative concept of collaboration in the sphere of academia (and beyond). The partners will work on introducing this new format by organizing two pilot MOOWs within the universities of the consortium to test the format and determine its potential. With the ambitious goal of introducing a novel format of working together, the partners aim to promote the MOOW concept so that is becomes used internationally and beyond this consortium.
ACEEU is happy to work with its dedicated partners on this exciting project. In particular, this will be manifested through the leading role of ACEEU in project result 2, but also through the shared involvement of all partners throughout the duration of the project.
Stay tuned as MOOW CODE kicks into gear!