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25. July 2024

Collecting, Compiling, Compelling!

The AI Leaders team is actively collecting examples of AI ethics in business through research and interviews. HEI partners are conducting a literature review and all partners are writing up 12 real-world case studies. The state-of-the-art review and good practice examples, along with ACEEU’s compilation of recommended digital tools for teaching applied and ethical AI, will be compiled into the project’s AI in Business and Management toolkit. This toolkit is AI Leaders’ first major deliverable.

ACEEU is using its global network to complete these tasks. Rafael Chanin, a Triple E Awards Americas finalist, was the first interviewee for the AI Leaders’ case studies. His valuable insights on the ethical dilemmas of using AI tools in higher education in Brazil offer direction for the next eleven consultations. The compelling information and resources available in the toolkit will be a useful guide for business and management educators.

Visit the AI Leaders’ project website for news and activities.


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Jeldo Meppen

Digital Solutions Designer

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Erin Kummer

International Project Officer

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