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08. June 2021

Kicking off the Rural Canvas project digitally

ACEEU and the rest of the Rural Canvas project partners are pleased to announce the official kick-off of the project. The project is part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership KA227-partnerships for creativity, with the aim of fostering rural resilience through creativity and arts-driven entrepreneurship.

The first transnational project meeting was held virtually on the first of June 2021, where it was attended by all five project partners who introduced their organisations and their role in the project. The meeting was facilitated by Aalborg University (AAU) and aspects such as the project’s various elements, project activities, intellectual outputs as well as quality management, dissemination and exploitation were clearly presented and discussed.

As the leader of Intellectual Output 3, ACEEU presented to the partners the output description, activities and deadlines of the RURAL eCANVAS and Mentorship Compass. Furthermore, ACEEU also presented a draft of the Quality Assurance Plan that will be finalised in the following weeks.

Photo credit: Smartmockups

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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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