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29. December 2021

Many Autumn Meetings

Rurart Alliance held several productive meetings in Finland in October and November, 2021.
Among the topics discussed were how creative skills are put into practice in rural areas and how the creative sector can contribute solutions to rural development challenges. The Alliance also discussed creativity and its impact on resilience in the countryside. Finally, the group debated the importance of various entrepreneurial and 21st Century Skills for success in the creative field and which skills should be prioritized when training creative individuals living in rural areas.
Together with desk research and the report from the Rurart Alliance meetings in Denmark, ACEEU and AAU will use the findings from the Finnish meetings to develop a survey and collect data to complete the Skills Prioritization Map.
The Rural Canvas team is looking forward to more productive discussions in 2022.

Photo Credit: Canva

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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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