ACEEU and the rest of the Digital Balance project partners are pleased to announce the official kick-off of the project. The project is part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership KA226-partnerships for Digital Education Readiness with the objective of designing, developing and implementing a new approach to train VET teachers, leaders and managers in digital wellbeing.
The first transnational project meeting was held virtually on the 9th of June 2021, where it was it was attended by all six project partners who introduced their organisations and their role in the project. The meeting was facilitated by Education Mobility Grid (EMG) and aspects such as the project’s elements, project activities, intellectual outputs as well as quality management, dissemination and exploitation were clearly presented and discussed.
As the leader of Intellectual Output 1, ACEEU presented to the partners the output description, activities and deadlines of the Digital Balance Analysis Report. Furthermore, ACEEU also presented the guidelines for the desk research activity that will soon be conducted.
Photo credit: Smartmockups