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CSRin4.0 Project

Adaptation of strategies for corporate social responsibility to address theimplications of the Industry 4.0
The project aims to create a training course for students in economics specialities in higher education institutions focusing on the implications and challenges of Industry 4.0 and advancing social impact of business activities. The main objective of the course is to explore and fill in students’ knowledge gaps in the understanding of Industry 4.0. The course will also strengthen interdisciplinary links and promote economics education centred on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
ACEEU's Role: Leader of internal quality assurance of administrative aspects, leader of dissemination actions, co-developer of intellectual outputs
ACEEU will oversee quality control in project management and administrative issues, ensuring that all partners adhere to quality standards in planning, internal communication, budgeting, and reporting. Furthermore, ACEEU will coordinate the dissemination activities in the project, using its extensive network of education leaders, experts, and partner institutions in Europe and throughout the world. ACEEU will also support partners in the development of Competence Framework with Curriculum and in the launching of the training course.
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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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Project information

Project period
01 Oct 2020 to 30 Sep 2022
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, European Commission
5 Partners (see partner information below)
Target group focus
EDU leaders,
Company representatives
Educational level focus
Higher education
Topic focus
Output focus
Curriculum development,
Network / partnership development
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Project updates

CSR in 4.0 Final Meeting
On August 1 and 2, 2022 final transnational partner meeting was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The partners convened a series of meetings to discuss the pen [...]
ACEEU presents CSR in 4.0 at an international event
ACEEU had a chance to present CSR in 4.0 at its 2022 Stakeholders Forum and Triple Helix Conference held in Florence, Italy in the period between 27-2 [...]
The second CSRin4.0 Transnational Project Meeting was held physically
The partners of the CSR4.0 project attended the second Transnational Project Meeting which took place between 12th and 13th July, 2021 in the city of [...]
CSRin4.0 website and social media channels were launched and visual identity elements were adopted
Following prolific discussions, the CSRin4.0 consortium is excited to announce that the project has now launched its website: www.csr-project.eu Fu [...]
1st CSRin4.0 Transnational Project Meeting held virtually
Following the Handshake meeting that was held in October 2020, all project partners met for the first Transnational Project Meeting on the 3rd of Dece [...]
“Handshake meeting” kicks off CSRin4.0 project
On October 16, the partners of the CSRin4.0 project came together for a short “Handshake Meeting”. Organised by Slaveyko Slavkov, the meeting allowed [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

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