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26. July 2022

ACEEU presents CSR in 4.0 at an international event

ACEEU had a chance to present CSR in 4.0 at its 2022 Stakeholders Forum and Triple Helix Conference held in Florence, Italy in the period between 27-29 July, 2022.

The event attracted over 200 stakeholders from various European universities, industry and societal organisations.

The project was discussed as part of a special, 3-hour track dedicated to EU-funded projects.

Over 3-day event, the attendees could enjoy a multitude of inspiring presentations delivered in a creative format (e.g. Pecha Kucha style), where universities and higher education practitioners presented their uplifting stories of engagement and entrepreneurship across entire European higher education landscape.

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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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