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01. March 2021

CSRin4.0 website and social media channels were launched and visual identity elements were adopted

Following prolific discussions, the CSRin4.0 consortium is excited to announce that the project has now launched its website: www.csr-project.eu

Furthermore, ACEEU, the dissemination leader of the CSRin4.0 project launched the project’s social media channels as well. Interested partners can stay up to date on the project activities through Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook:

CSRin4.0 Twitter account

CSRin4.0 LinkedIn account

CSRin4.0 Facebook account

We have been really busy and adopted the visual identity elements of the project that will be used across all CSRin4.0 material, covering presentations, reports, and the project website as well.

To find out more about the project and its mission please check our website: CSRin4.0

Photo credits: Mockuuups Studio

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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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