HE THIRD MISSION: comuniTy Engagement for a kNowledge bAsed society
TENACITY project wants to create standardized learning and empowering pathway for future deliberative practitioners (students, researchers, staff. citizens) within the frame of the Academic Third Mission Strategies.
The project aims to create tools and strategies to promote skills and competencies for the empowerment of the academic community, local citizens and decision makers in developing deliberations through a structured and inclusive reasoned-giving approach.
Among the overall objectives of the projects there is the development of universities' public engagement dimension in order to unlock and mobilize university resources to society and enterprises' needs.
ACEEU's Role: Research and analysis of data; co-developer of intellectual outputs; Quality Assurance
ACEEU will lead IO1, which consists in coordinating desk and field research. This will imply the administration of questionnaires, the organization of focus groups, and the analysis of data. The result of this research will be collected in a Handbook. ACEEU is also responsible for the overall project's quality assurance.
SDG relation: