The DisFinLit project has developed the Compendium of Good Practices on Sustainable Financial Literacy for Disabled Youth. This compendium delivers expansive contributions focused on building sustainable financial literacy skills for youth with disabilities from The Netherlands, Italy, Malta, and Spain, as well as an international perspective (within and outside the EU).
The right of all learners to access a high-quality inclusive education is widely recognised in several international human rights frameworks. In particular, the UNESCO Salamanca Statement of 1994 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006 (UN CRPD) strongly advocate the right of individuals with disabilities to inclusive education. Thus, ACEEU aimed to collect a comprehensive collection and analysis of inspiring practices by including existing material regarding socially responsible finance. Moreover, developing the compendium will support partners in raising awareness of their national best practices and employing the data collection to determine the learning objectives in terms of competencies and learning units for the training curriculum.
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