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04. April 2023

SDG-iLevel Newsletter #1

Higher education plays a key role in achieving sustainable development. So far, the contributions of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are mainly considered at institutional level. Individual contributions often go unnoticed and unrecognized. This prevents HEIs and staff from realizing their full potential to promote the SDGs and create improvements in higher education and society at large.

The First SDG-iLevel Newsletter has been finally published! In this newsletter, you will find out partners involved in the project, the idea behind the creation of the project and what to expect from the SDG-ilevel project. The newsletter also offers interesting insights into the SDGs.

Find out more about this newsletter by visitng the SDG-ilevel project website:https://www.sdg-ilevel.eu/

Photo credit: Canva

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Emmanuel Ohene

Specialist, Sustainability in Higher Education

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