From 2-5 April 2024, the SDG-iLevel project held a combined Staff workshop and project meeting in Lüneburg, Germany. The COPERNICUS Alliance organized the event with the support of Leuphana University of Lüneburg, which is well known for its leading position in sustainability practices.
During two days (3-4 April), the project partners hosted a workshop on "Empowering university staff for contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals" with 15 invited academic staff members (teachers, researchers, administrators, leaders) from University of Girona, University of Rijeka, and Kaunas University of Technology to exchange and explore outcomes of the SDG-iLevel project. The 15 workshop participants brought a diverse range of expertise, resulting in rich discussions and valuable contributions to the ambitions of the SDG-iLevel project.
The project team presented and introduced the SDG-iLevel Maps, the Self-Nudging Toolkit, the Online Visibility Booster and, above all, a 6-Module Staff Workshop Study Pack. ACEEU led the workshop presentation and interactive session of two project results including the SDGs Online Visibility Booster and Self-Nudging toolkit website.
Another two days (2 and 5 April) were used for the project core team to plan and evaluate the Staff Workshop, reflect on the progress so far and plan further steps. The above mentioned SDG-iLevel Maps, the Self-Nudging Toolkit and the Online Visibility Booster will be further improved, while other project objectives will be developed in parallel.
Photo credit: Canva