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07. August 2024

Soft Skills: Testing, Training, Teaching

In parallel with the annual Water Innovation Europe conference this June, partners tested the SKILLS4Water innovative training program. The topic: conflict management. Under the European Junior Water Programme (EJWP), consortium members trained on how to deal with problems that arise when working with others - an essential soft skill for project work.

The activities, ideas, and results from the training will help UGAL, UCA, and UNI to develop the coming semester's coursework. The HEI partners will incorporate learning activities centered around soft skill development into their curricula. SKILLS4Water sees improved soft skills as a necessary component of water education for shaping a stronger, wiser body of young water professionals.

ACEEU's role during the training and for the subsequent activities is to facilitate and analyze feedback from participants and students to ensure the project results are of the highest quality.

Image Credit: Adekola Ashonibare

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Federica Casaccio

International Relationship Manager

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