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SKILLS4Water Project

Advancing the Integration of Soft Skills in Higher Education for Water
SKILLS4Water aims to equip students and young water professionals with essential soft skills, integrate them into higher education curricula, promoting innovation and leadership in the European water industry, and disseminate related best practises across Europe. This will contribute to building a sustainable and resilient water future and providing EU with skilled workforce. The initiative will benefit HEIs, their students, water industry and inform policymakers.
ACEEU's Role:
ACEEU (DE) will provide quality assessment and assurance experience and a broad perspective on collaboration with external stakeholders, a consolidated international network of contacts, and a robust experience in skills misteaches analysis and capacity building. The results of the projects are key for ACEEU to advance the strategies for consolidating the third mission in HE from the perspective of digital community engagement, which is a developing topic that ACEEU is striving in consolida. ACEEU will lead the WP5 Impact and dissemination and will be focused on evaluation of the acquired competencies (A3.3), implementation and evaluation of Innovative training programme (A4.3), developing a dissemination, exploitation and communication plan (A5.1).
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Federica Casaccio

International Relationship Manager

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Project information

Project period
01 Sep 2023 to 31 Aug 2025
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships, European Commission
5 Partners (see partner information below)
Educational level focus
Higher education
Target group focus
Company representatives,
Topic focus
Discipline focus
Natural sciences,
Engineering and technology
Output focus
Network / partnership development,
Skills / mindset development
Industry sector focus
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Project updates

ACEEU hosted SKILLS4Water Training Week on Empowering Leadership!
The third SKILLS4Water Training Week just ended, leaving participants happy and excited to further continue with the improvement of their leadership s [...]
Soft Skills: Testing, Training, Teaching
In parallel with the annual Water Innovation Europe conference this June, partners tested the SKILLS4Water innovative training program. The topic: con [...]
ACEEU takes part in soft skills training at University of Nis
As a key participant in the SKILLS4WATER project, representing ACEEU alongside partners from the University of Cadiz, H2O People, the University of Ni [...]
ACEEU Plays Integral Role in Galati Meeting: Driving Forward Skills for Water industry
The vibrant city of Galati, Romania, served as the backdrop for a collaborative gathering of partners from five different countries for the SKILLS4WAT [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

This project is funded by

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.