Digital Citizen Science: Network, transfOrm, groW
Citizen Science (CS) NOW aims to foster EU citizens' engagement and access to CS by: establishing local and regional community NETWORKS that effectively connect citizens, adult educators and HEIs and promote sustainable CS development; digitalising and TRANSFORMING adult CS training experiences; and empowering adult citizens with the essential competence and
skills to GROW personally and professionally in the partner regions.
ACEEU's Role: Quality Assurance and CS Satellite Network Building Leader
ACEEU will lead the development of the Citizen Science (CS) Satellite Network Building (Project Result 3) and contribute to the development of the Needs Assessment and Future Foresight Report on CS (Project Result 1) and the Digital CS Training Program Pilot Testing and Validation Report (Project Result 4).
Throughout the project, ACEEU will provide quality assurance and carry out dissemination and exploitation activities.