On the 30th of June 2022, Bespoke held the Sense-Making Session: Introduction. During the first part of the session, the partners gave an update on the project’s progress and revised the timeline to have a more precise overview. Moreover, Bespoke gave a short introduction to the Methodology Approach, explaining to the consortium the main objectives of the meeting and preparation for the Workshop in September. Thus, after a small break, the partners carried on with a short “Sense-Making” practice as part of the Futures Design Methodology to exemplify the process that will take place during the actual Sense-Making Session at the beginning of September, aiming to synthesise the collected information from Phase 1 (PR1). As a result, each partner was required to choose three Scan-Cards (a signal of change) from Bespoke’s Horizon Platform, familiarise themselves with the content and share with the consortium outstanding insights. By the end of each presentation, the partners could gather the Scan Cards in clusters and start forming initial patterns that would help to prioritise and integrate the research to define potential analysis and draw a conclusion before reaching the next step (PR3).
At the end of the session, partners discussed the Final Report structure, where each partner contributed and shared their opinions. As a final exercise, the consortium had to write their reflection on the meeting before wrapping up.
We appreciate the participation of the partners and look forward to the Sense-Making Workshop!
Stay tuned!