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iPeer Project

Reinventing the STEM VET via Peer assisted learning and Innovative pedagogy
While entering a post crisis world, and facing the needs of multipurpose professionals, this project is aimed at expanding the baseline of skills, knowledge and values for STEM VET learners by establishing well-structured and effective peer learning circles, using a variety of methods. Moreover, the project focuses on expanding the students' learning opportunities by introducing cutting edge methods: distant and participatory peer-to-peer learning, distant and participatory peer tutoring and innovative pedagogy, tailored to the conditions of a global pandemic, and thus boosting the quality of the learning experience in VET professional schools and centers and preventing the gaps in the learning process.
ACEEU's Role: Quality assurance and impact evaluation leader; co-developer of intellectual outputs
ACEEU will be in charge of elaborating an EQAVET related competence model and automated evaluation system, with appropriate lessons, planners and grade book. Moreover, ACEEU will lead Quality assurance and compliance of the iPEER deliverables.
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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe


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Project information

Project period
01 Mar 2021 to 31 May 2023
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, European Commission
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8 Partners (see partner information below)
Target group focus
Topic focus
Educational level focus
Output focus
Certification development
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Project updates

Help us investigate the state of art of peer-assisted methodologies!
Next to accrediting universities and university faculties, schools and departments, ACEEU is also engaged in pushing the boundaries of higher educatio [...]
iPEER Project Updates: Researching the State of Art of Peer Assisted Learning Methodology in Europe
The iPEER project is moving forward! On April 19th, the consortium joined an online meeting to decide the next steps for implementing the first del [...]
IPeer is launched with an in-person meeting!
ACEEU had the pleasure to participate in the kick-off meeting for the iPeer project organized by the 4.0 Foundation and held in Sofia, Bulgaria from 2 [...]
(Pre) Launching the iPeer project
ACEEU is thrilled to announce the start of a brand-new project - iPeer. Together with 7 partners from all over Europe, ACEEU discussed project plan [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

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