ACEEU and MyDigiCoop partners proudly announce that the project has achieved another milestone of the project!
A couple of months ago, the project communicated the first look of its E-Learning platform. Now, the learning modules which is part of the personalized learning paths created to facilitate the education and training of social-cooperative entrepreneurs are being finalized and soon to be uploaded to the learning platform.
The team in HUHEZI, KVC, ULBS and Haaga-Helia have been working their best to create the content and make sure that the modules meet their expectation. Two validation sessions have been conducted in Spain and Romania with students and teachers in order to gain feedback to improve them.
The Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu - Romania (ULBS) invited 11 people, from whom 3 were teachers and 8 were students. The Faculty of Humanities and Education of Mondragon University- Spain (HUHEZI) invited 10 people, from whom 3 were teachers and 7 were students.
In the validation sessions, the participants were introduced to the platform and briefly reviewed the content of the modules that had been uploaded. Afterward, they completed questionnaires to evaluate the use of the platform and the clarity and usefulness of the modules.
In general, the validation sessions generated good results. The participants find the quality of the platform and how the learning modules are presented with a very satisfactory level of satisfaction. The usefulness and effectiveness are well valued. Thanks to the participants, they gave very useful feedback and suggestions which will be implemented accordingly for the improvement of the platform.