ACEEU and the MyDigiCoop project partners are elated to announce the official start of the MyDigiCoop project. The project is part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership KA2 Call which is a response call for the Covid-19 pandemic. The overarching aim of the project is to promote social-cooperative entrepreneurship in higher education (HE) by equipping HE professionals with innovative online tools and competencies to foster social-cooperative entrepreneurship among their students.
The first official Transnational Meeting was held online on Friday, 23 April 2021. It was attended by 16 participants from the 6 institutions involved in the project partnership i.e. The Faculty of Humanities and Education of Mondragon University- Spain (HUHEZI), the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu - Romania (ULBS), and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science - Finland (HAAGA-HELIA) while the other 3 partners are Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): Senior Europa Sociedad Limitad - Spain (K-Veloce), Gestionet Multimedia - Spain (Gestionet), and Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities - Germany (ACEEU).
During the meeting, ACEEU as the dissemination and exploitation manager was in charge of presenting the strategic plan to communicate the project aims and activities as well as to exploit the project results. ACEEU also successfully delivered creative ideas on how the project will be presented through a powerful and meaningful project brand. Moreover, ACEEU took the opportunity to confirm and clarify its roles and responsibilities as the leader of two tasks in Intellectual Output 2 that revolve around the validation and the translation of innovative guidelines to foster social-cooperative entrepreneurship in higher education.
Following the Kick-Off meeting, ACEEU will finalize the design of the project brand and provide a complete package of a visual identity that will be crucial in promoting the project’s aim, activities and results.
Stay tuned for the new logo of the MyDigiCoop project!
Photo Credit: Canva