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19. May 2023

PAGES TPM 2 in Vienna, Austria

PAGES Project partners met for the second time, once again in the wonderful Austrian capital of Vienna, hosted by VABCKJS-EU. The project consortium reflected and analysed the progression according to the project plan and discussed the details and deadlines for the completion of the course modules and the pilot programme. Furthermore, partners discussed possible suggestions to increase the impact of the very relevant and meaningful project by identifying different stakeholders across the EU who could potentially get involved to some extent in improving the outreach and impact of the project.

Partners discussed the outputs from the first and second outputs of the project which involved the training course, based on the continuous professional development of adult educators, to improve the skills of adult educators in engaging older adults in lifelong learning. The focus of this result includes reverting conceptions of older people and how we see age, how older adults’ value lifelong learning and how they are involved and willing to contribute to society. The second planned result of the project is the InterAGES programme - an intergenerational intervention towards ALL AGES. This result is planned to be the design of an intergenerational programme to involve and engage both young and old people using creativity and cultural assets from the local community.

The PAGES project consortium deliberated best practices to maximise the impact in these results and clarified the remaining open questions in the same.

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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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Dr. Lina Landinez


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