To ensure the InterAGES Program achieves its goals of fostering intergenerational connections and combating ageism, ACEEU has developed and delivered the Guidelines for the Validation Process to project partners. These comprehensive guidelines provide a structured approach to evaluating the program's quality, impact, and sustainability, enabling partners to refine and enhance its effectiveness.
The guidelines outline a systematic validation process that includes expert evaluations, tailored templates, and detailed reporting to assess key aspects of the program, such as its innovation, relevance, and long-term viability. By involving professionals with expertise in adult education, community programs, and intergenerational initiatives, the process benefits from diverse and experienced perspectives.
Actionable feedback is at the core of the evaluation process. Experts identify strengths and areas for improvement, which ACEEU compiles into a Peer Review Summary. This resource serves as a roadmap for ongoing enhancement, ensuring that the program remains effective and adaptable for future needs.
Through these guidelines, ACEEU reinforces the Pages Project’s commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, paving the way for impactful intergenerational connections and the breakdown of age-based stereotypes.
To learn more about the Pages project and its ongoing efforts, visit our website. and become part of this movement for change!
Photo Credit: Canva