In an era in which data and digital transformation are critical to survive the ever-changing environments, never so more than now the water sector needs to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies. In conjunction with having the technologies available, one key enabler would be to have the workforce having the right skillset to cope with the ever-changing demands. On this note, on behalf of the WATERLINE team, I would like to welcome you to the WATERLINE project.
The WATERLINE project seeks to:
1. Support consolidation of the Digital Water HEI alliance and create an opportunity for governance knowledge integration through the development of a common governance framework supporting digital water education in order to raise the excellence profile of the HEI from the Widening countries, as well as the excellence profile of their staff.
2. Build capacity for academics/researchers, based on a shared R&I capacity building plan, with a focus on widening HEIs, by R&I intensive partners, to raise their excellence profile for the development of excellent scientific research, education and innovation in the digital water sector.
3. Co-create a portfolio of digital water components for curriculum at Master level and leverage innovative extended reality emulative learning environments (LEs) to transition to knowledge and digitally driven HEIs that can better inform, educate and foster collaboration between academia and the surrounding ecosystem actors.
4. Build and foster a European network of academics/researchers, who will act as linchpins with actors from the surrounding quadruple helix ecosystem, including the community, to allow partners to share and benefit from their different expertise in water domains and respective extended reality technologies to contribute better to education related to the water sphere, which is one of the major societal challenges.
5. Sustaining the alliance of extended-reality water emulative centres through the establishment of structured ambassador networks and the identification of future R&I funding landscape and by creating synergies with EU initiatives, Institutions, other EU-funded projects, and NCP HE networks through a network of networks approach.
Throughout this periodic newsletter, we would like to reach out to like-minded people who are interested in knowing more about the topics dealt with as part of the project. Updates on key milestones of the project and other interesting related materials shall be shared within this newsletter. We are delighted that you are joining us as readers and hope that you find the articles timely, informative and enjoyable.
Edwin Zammit,
Project Coordinator
MCAST – The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology
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