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26. September 2023

PRESS RELEASE: WATERLINE innovation capacity building summer school 2023

WATERLINE project, which receives funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe, aims to create a European Digital Water Higher Education Institution Alliance, based on the quadruple helix model of innovation, leading to the development of the Alliance’s research, educational and entrepreneurship capacities. This shall leverage the individual, institutional and regional resources required for a transformative structural and sustainable learning and innovation environment.

The partners of the WATERLINE project, which include a consortium of ten beneficiaries and five associated partners from 11 European countries met at the innovation capacity building summer school at the University of Exeter United Kingdom. The event took place between 29 August and 4 September 2023, giving the opportunity to partners to participate also online on some of the days. During the first two days, participants attended a personal and professional development seminar delivered by H2O People, one of WATERLINE’s partners.

During the following days, participants attended design thinking, developer talks, an innovation workshop, carried out a hands-on development and testing at VSimulators and conducted a review of virtual reality solutions and future development.

The Centre for Water Systems (CWS) of the University of Exeter celebrated its 25th anniversary in August 2023 and hosted a two-day celebration event to mark this special occasion: ‘Advances in Water Research & Innovation: 1998 to 2023 and beyond’. Over 110 past and present CWS members, including staff, postgraduate research students, visitors, and other academic and industrial colleagues were invited to participate in the celebrations. Participants from the WATERLINE summer school also attended some of the celebration activities and networked with others who were invited to the celebrations to disseminate and raise awareness about WATERLINE. A themed workshop on “Extended Reality in Water Research and Education” was held jointly by CWS and WATERLINE to explore opportunities and identify challenges in using digital technologies to build research capacity and develop practical skills and knowledge of the next generation of water scientists and engineers.

WATERLINE, a three-year-long project, receives funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-05 under grant agreement No 101071306. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Website: http://www.waterline-project.eu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaterlineProject.EU

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaterlineEU

Coordinator: Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST)

Email: Waterline@mcast.edu.mt


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Federica Casaccio

International Relationship Manager

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Adekola Ashonibare

Junior International Project Officer

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