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DICE Project

Digital Community Engagement Accelerator for Student Learning and Socio-economic Impact
The DICE consortium believes that there is tremendous potential for universities to advance student learning and to better support social development by moving university-community engagement to the digital space. Building on the traditional and successful use of accelerator programs for the development of start-ups, the DICE consortium will use the same concept to develop an acceleration program that supports university educators and course managers in the development of digital community engagement courses. Thus, the DICE project aims to answer to two of the greatest challenges of higher education at once: fostering digitalization and the universities Third Mission. This will be implemented by moving university community engagement courses to the digital space. There are four specific objectives that DICE project will target. These are: a. To equip university educators and course directors with an integrated value-based framework tool for digital CE (WP2) b. To define a process for creating digital CE courses (WP3) c. To validate the above-listed tools through the piloting and launch of a Digital Accelerator Platform (WP4 and WP5) d. To provide a compendium of good practices, testimonies, and policy recommendations (WP5).
ACEEU's Role: Leader of WP3 - Manual for Designing Digital Community Engagement Courses and Digital Accelerator Development, and Quality Assurance Leader
ACEEU will lead WP3, The Manual for Designing Digital Community Engagement Courses and Digital Accelerator Development. The aim of WP3 is to develop a process and a support program that helps educators to design digital CE courses. The DICE project sees the digital accelerator as key solution to guide course directors and university educators step by step towards an effective development of digital CE courses in HE. Overall, it aims to support and upskill course directors and university educators by providing guidelines and a structured process to create their own community engagement courses online. This WP will directly expose the target group to entrepreneurial practices, methods and tools to develop digital CE solutions. Additionally, ACEEU will lead the Quality Assurance and Evaluation aspect of the project. This will include the development of a Quality Management and Evaluation Strategy.
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Dr. Lina Landinez


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Project information

Project period
01 Nov 2022 to 31 Oct 2025
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships, European Commission
5 Partners (see partner information below)
Target group focus
EDU leaders,
Educational level focus
Higher education
Topic focus
Output focus
Tool development,
Curriculum development,
Infrastructure development
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Project updates

Highlights from TPM 3 in Alcalá
On October 16th and 17th, the DICE project consortium gathered for its Third Transnational Project Meeting (TPM 3), hosted by the University of Alcalá [...]
Building Skills for Digital Community Engagement
From October 16th to 19th, the Digital Accelerator Workshop (DAW) gathered university educators and staff in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, for a transform [...]
The DiCE Accelerator: Empowering Educators to Revolutionize Learning
The DiCE Accelerator is an innovative platform designed to guide educators and course directors in creating impactful digital community engagement (CE [...]
Introducing the DiCE Value Maps
In an increasingly complex higher education landscape, institutions focus on impact creation and addressing societal challenges as part of their Third [...]
Community Engagement in Germany
Community, civic or social engagement is emerging as a third mission-core activity in European higher education. This trend reflects the increasing pr [...]
Benefits of DiCE for Students
The implementation of Digital Community Engagement (DiCE) in higher education has an enormous potential for generating diverse benefits for students. [...]
Digital Community Engagement in Germany
According to the findings of the Third Civic Engagement Report (HIIG, 2020) in Germany, it is evident that civic engagement among young people (aged b [...]
Message from the Project Coordinator of the DiCE Project
The COVID-19 pandemic taught us that we can digitalise numerous processes and services, creating many formerly unseen opportunities. Digitalisation is [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.