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20. February 2023

RestART Europe partners meet for the first time face-to-face in Leeuwarden!

Project RestART Europe has a new boost as partners met for the first time in person in the beautiful and culturally rich city of Leeuwarden in the Netherlands, a year into the project. The Transnational Project Meeting began with an introduction and overview of the events that took place since the project began in February 2022 as well as a roadmap for the upcoming milestones. Partners were happy to report that the project milestones are progressing according to plan with no delays.

The current phase of the project is focused on building the online platform which would be an interactive and collaborative space for mentors and women ready to restart their businesses in the creative industries across Europe. In light of the development of this novel platform, ACEEU hosted a workshop enabling partners to engage in constructive commentary, review and feedback to allow for a smooth and agile transition from the planning phase to the execution of the structure and specifications of the online platform.

The meeting was enriched by a visit to the creative departments of the VET school at Friesland College Friesland College when partners had a chance to interact with teachers and students alike on their experience for future career options and limitations in the European economy concerning the opportunities for entrepreneurs in the creative industries. Furthermore, the mayor of the city of Leeuwarden presented the impact created by progressive Dutch policies supporting the growth and resilience of the creative sector in the province of Friesland, of which Leeuwarden is the capital.

All in all, partners were refreshed once again to continue the next stretch of the project with new sources of creative energy!

For more updates of the project stay tuned here: https://www.restarteurope.org/

Photo credits: Canva

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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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