The BE-21-SKILLED Teacher Empowerment Program supports higher education STEM educators in integrating 21st-century skills (21CS) into their teaching practices. Nowadays, equipping students with critical thinking, adaptability, problem-solving, and collaboration skills is essential for their academic success and future careers. Unfortunately, sometimes, educators don’t know how to do this duty, so this program was developed, to provide them with the tools, insights, and strategies needed to foster these competencies effectively.
The program has six modules that address foundational concepts and advanced teaching methods to enhance 21CS in STEM education: Module 1 - 21st Century Skills in a Nutshell, Module 2 - Employer Perspectives, European Skills Panorama & Key Industry Trends, Module 3 - The Role of Regional Skills Councils and External Collaboration, Module 4- Innovative Pedagogical Practices to Boost Relevant 21CS in Students, Module 5 - 21CS Integration into Curriculum, and Module 6 - Elevate 21CS in STEM Teaching
One of the main advantages of the program is its flexibility, for example, educators can select and customise their learning paths based on their specific interests, the unique needs of their students, and the demands of their regional contexts. This adaptability ensures that the program is scalable across different institutions and countries, fostering an inclusive and comprehensive approach to skill development.
To explore the program, you can visit this link: BE-21-SKILLED Teacher Empowerment Program, and stay tuned for more updates on the project!