ACEEU together with consortium partners celebrated the DECODE Empowerment Program, a three-day training event directed towards Deans, Heads of department and their representatives for sustainability in higher education institutions. 25 representatives from 12 different universities came together to learn, share and collaborate. It was an excellent opportunity to present the work we have been carrying out at DECODE.
During the first day of the empowerment program, the consortium presented the general goal and objective of the DECODE project and which milestones have been achieved throughout the project's lifetime. Deans and other academic representives who participated shared the status quo and the needs of their universities in embedding sustainability in their institutions.
During the second day , Participants were introduced to the concept of the DECODE impact TREE and Impact pathways by discussing the tools for Deans to promote Sustainable Development (Building blocks) and how it can be applied across university missions & support actions. Participants were then separated into groups to work on the building blocks according to the challenges of their institutions.
During the third day , Participants were introduced to the DECODE Connect Platform and how they could use the Self-evaluation survey & exploration of pathways .Participants were then separated into groups according to their institution to build an Impact Roadmap for their academic units base on knowledge gained in the two previous sessions.
We hope that our tools and methodologies will help these professionals further the institutionalization of sustainable development in their academic units.
Photo credit:Canva