On 28th June, 2023, DECODE project partnership led by CHEPS hosted panel discussion on “The path towards sustainable universities” which is a central part of the Multiplier event on Lasalle Campus in Barcelona, Spain as part of the ACEEU Triple E Awards and Stakeholders Forum which witnessed 350+ people, 240+ universities and 60+ nationalities.
The panel discussion included 3 panelists:William Van Ausdal,Sustainability & Climate Change Leader from Flinders University in Australia, Corina du Toit, Programme Manager for Sustainable Development Impact from Stellenbosch University in South Africa and Lynsey Hollywood, Manager, Food & Drink Business Development Centre from Ulster University in the UK. They shared insights into how they started and implemented their roadmaps towards becoming more sustainable as a university or department. Panelists also discussed challenges they faced along this journey and role their middle management has played in the overall strategy towards a sustainable university.
Panelist concluded highlighting the need for a truly engaged and SDG-oriented university focusing less on competition and more on collaboration.
For more information on panelist, Kindly follow them on Linkedin:
Van Ausdal :https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamvanausdal/
Corina : https://www.linkedin.com/in/corina-du-toit-a2bb21145/
Photo Source: CANVA