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MYFuture Project

Mentor Your Future
Project MYFuture will create a common European methodology to implement student mentoring in higher education institutions. Mentoring activities bring added value to students, institutions, and communities as a way to empower young people throughout their educational pathways and prepare them for the competitive labor market, enhance social cohesion and inclusion, and impact communities. MYFuture will deliver a series of educational tools and materials (trainer’s guide for student mentoring), training sessions, and a dedicated web-platform
ACEEU's Role: Quality assurance leader
ACEEU will be responsible for developing a Quality Assurance Plan, coordinating semester evaluation by partners, coordinating meetings evaluation, coordinating multiplier events' evaluation and performing the impact analysis.
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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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A snapshot of the project

Project information

Project period
01 Sep 2020 to 31 Aug 2023
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, European Commission
6 Partners (see partner information below)
Educational level focus
Higher education
Topic focus
Target group focus
NGO represenatives,
Output focus
Skills / mindset development,
Tool development
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Project updates

Maximizing Existing Potential in Universities: Mentor Your Future International Multiplier Event and Final TPM
May has been a significant month for the Mentor Your Future project. Not only the project consortium is ready to add the final touches to the main res [...]
The Third and Last Training of Mentor Your Future: Impactful and Memorable!
ACEEU and the rest of Mentor Your Future Partners are truly proud to announce the completion of the third Training Week held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. [...]
Focused planning before closing the year and preparing for the last year of the project in Münster!
The Mentor Your Future consortium has had the opportunity to meet and discuss the progress of the project before the year 2022 comes to an end. The fi [...]
MYFuture Second (First Face-to-Face) Training Week in Cyprus
Mentor Your Future (MYFuture) partners had the pleasure of organizing a Training week in Nicosia, Cyprus. The insightful Training Week was hosted by t [...]
MYFuture TPM 4 Nicosia: New Insights, Refreshed Energy and Deeper Commitment
The Mentor Your Future partners have just come back from an insightful and well-organized three-day Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Nicosia, C [...]
Mentor Your Future Project Update: Progress on Trainers’ Guide on Student Mentoring in HEI and impact Day Guideline
Three months have almost passed since 2022 began and the Mentor Your Future’s project partners have been busier than ever. Following the second Transn [...]
Mentor Your Future’s First Face-to-Face Transnational Project Meeting in Paris
The long-awaited face-to-face Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) scheduled for the Mentor Your Future (MYFuture) project has finally taken place! [...]
MYFuture project moving forward
This week, the MYFuture consortium had the second transnational project meeting, hosted online by the Bulgarian partner Big Brothers Big Sisters. The [...]
Inaugural Impact Days for Policy Makers Kick-Off in Cyprus
University of Nicosia (Cyprus) has implemented the first MYFuture Impact Days for Policy Makers. Impact Days are organised to showcase the value of st [...]
MYFuture shiny new website is now live
MYFuture has launched a project website to share project updates and outputs. The website is the project’s main dissemination tool, along with social [...]
Focus Group on Student Mentoring Provide Valuable Insights
ACEEU organised an online focus group discussion to collect insights and stories on student mentoring from mentors, mentees, experts and program coord [...]
Quality Evaluation Plan for MYFuture
ACEEU has prepared a comprehensive Quality Assurance Plan for the MYFuture project. The plan includes about 200 quality indicators for all project act [...]
MYFuture Kick-Off Meeting
The MYFuture (Mentor Your Future) project kicked off this week with a three-day online meeting involving partners from the Netherlands, France, German [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

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