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Stay up to date on the latest developments of ACEEU's international project engagements.
Through its international projects, ACEEU shapes the higher education landscape and ensures that its accreditation offers are connected to the current developments in university entrepreneurship and engagement.
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Results: 332
Boosting Individual Contributions to SDGs in Higher Education
Until now, the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been discussed at the institutional level in higher education (top-down appr [...]
EU Teach PaaS
ACEEU organized an online digital challenge as the multiplier event for EU-TeachPaaS!
ACEEU and the EU-TeachPaaS consortium proudly announce the completion of the project by organizing a one-day innovation challenge as a strategy to dis [...]
The Compendium of Good Practices on Sustainable Financial Literacy for Disabled Youth is finally here!
The DisFinLit project has developed the Compendium of Good Practices on Sustainable Financial Literacy for Disabled Youth. This compendium delivers ex [...]
EU Teach PaaS
ACEEU is going to organize an online digital challenge in August!
ACEEU and the EU-TeachPaaS project invite university students, entrepreneurs, educators, and university staff to join a one-day Digital Education Chal [...]
Citizen Science NOW First Sense-Making Session: Introduction
On the 30th of June 2022, Bespoke held the Sense-Making Session: Introduction. During the first part of the session, the partners gave an update on th [...]
CSR in 4.0 Final Meeting
On August 1 and 2, 2022 final transnational partner meeting was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The partners convened a series of meetings to discuss the pen [...]
EU Teach PaaS
EU-TeachPaaS Digital Certifications: Advance your skills and get certified in online education design and delivery!
According to eLearning Statistics, since 2020, 98% of universities moved classes online; eLearning can help students to retain between 25% and 60% mor [...]
MOOW CODE Website Launched and Visual Identity Elements Chosen
MOOW CODE project consortium is happy to announce that the project has now launched its website: "www.moowcode.eu". The website will feature the conte [...]
ACEEU presents CSR in 4.0 at an international event
ACEEU had a chance to present CSR in 4.0 at its 2022 Stakeholders Forum and Triple Helix Conference held in Florence, Italy in the period between 27-2 [...]
MyDigiCoop 9th Online Meeting
On July 6, 2022, MyDigiCoop had the 9th online meeting. HUHEZI hosted the meeting and all partners attended it online. Partners from different univers [...]
RestART Europe
Catch-up meeting with the RestART Europe consortium: what’s new on the table?
ACEEU and its RestART Europe project partners have held another successful meeting to discuss the progress of the project! On Friday 15 July, the c [...]
MYFuture Second (First Face-to-Face) Training Week in Cyprus
Mentor Your Future (MYFuture) partners had the pleasure of organizing a Training week in Nicosia, Cyprus. The insightful Training Week was hosted by t [...]
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